1. Books and Paper -
a. For non-valuable items, discard books and papers
b. Photocopy valuable/important items, discard originals
c. Freeze (in frost-free freezer or meat locker) or freeze-dry
Water Damaged Material:
2. Carpet and backing - dry within 24-48 hours - (the subfloor under the carpet must also be cleaned and dried.)
a. Remove water with water extraction vacuum
b. Reduce ambient humidity levels with a dehumidifier.
c. Accelerate drying process with fans.
Water Damaged Material:
3. Ceiling Tiles and Cellulose insulation -
a. DISCARD and replace
Water Damaged Material:
4. Concrete or cinder block surfaces
a. Remove water with water extraction vacuum
b. Accelerate drying process with dehumidifiers, fans, and/or heaters