Friday, May 21, 2010

Ticks Part 2 - Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Rocky Mountain spotted fever is an infectious disease brought on by a specific type of bacteria carried by ticks. Rocky Mountain spotted fever is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii (R. Rickettsii), which is carried by ticks. The bacteria spread to humans through a tick bite.

Symptoms usually develop about 2 to 14 days after the tick bite. They may include:
  1. Chills
  2. Fever
  3. Severe headache
  4. Muscle pain
  5. Mental confusion
  6. Rash -- usually starts a few days after the fever; first appears on wrists and ankles as spots that are 1 - 5 mm in diameter, then spreads to most of the body. About one-third of infected people do not get a rash at all.

Additional symptoms that may be associated with this disease:

  • Abnormal sensitivity to light
  • Diarrhea
  • Excessive thirst
  • Hallucinations
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Treatment involves careful removal of the tick from the skin and antibiotics to eliminate the infection. Treatment usually cures the infection. Complications are rare but can include paralysis, hearing loss, nerve damage, and, rarely, death.

When walking or hiking in tick-infested areas, tuck long pants into socks to protect the legs, and wear shoes and long-sleeved shirts. Ticks will show up on white or light colors better than dark colors, making them easier to see and remove from clothing.
Remove ticks immediately by using a tweezers, pulling carefully and steadily. Insect repellent may be helpful. Because less than 1% of ticks carry this infection, antibiotics are not usually given after a tick bite.

Call your health care provider if symptoms develop after exposure to ticks or known tick bite. The complications of untreated Rocky Mountain spotted fever can be life threatening.

Next week we will be finishing up our discussion on Ticks with information on the signs and symptoms of Lyme Disease. If you have any questions or concerns with Ticks or any other pest, please give us a call at 1-800-894-8024 and we will be happy to answer them for you.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Camping Season Is Here Again

We've all done the great outdoors at some point with our families during the summer months. And consequently we know that while we love to be close to nature, sometimes nature has a way of being a little too close for comfort in some areas. Ticks and tick borne diseases are one of the many items that we humans have to be cautious of and use diligence to avoid for our own health. Within the Tri-State alone I know of many parks that are perfect breeding grounds for ticks, where there food supplies are great. In Indiana the following Ticks are most common:

The American Dog Tick

The Lone Star Tick

The Black Legged Tick

The Brown Dog Tick

There are eleven more species, but they are not usually encountered by the average family or pet. Both the American Dog Tick and the Lone Star Tick can harbor Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Most ticks can carry the most widely spread tick borne infection Lyme Disease. The risk for encountering Ticks and Tick Borne Infections can be lessened by taking several precautions while staying in the Great Outdoors this summer. The following are some guidelines that are practical and also may help your family avoid illness and infection.

Be aware of areas where ticks like to live. This most common idea is really simple, but sometimes with small children hard to avoid. I know first hand you can tell your child "Don't go near that spot." and they will to a certain extent in order to test boundaries. Ticks like to live in grassy areas where there is lots of vegetation. This is also a place where they will lay their eggs. Ticks cannot fly like mosquitoes, or jump like fleas, there main course of transportation is finding a host and feeding while they travel.

If you hike or have to travel in brushy areas or near the edges of the wood line here are some tips for lessening the chance of a tick choosing you for a host:

· Wear hats or scarves around your scalp.
· Wear long sleeve shirts and long pants and boots.
· Check yourself often and have others check your back and scalp for these travelers.
· Use Tick Spray, which can be purchased at most camping stores.
· Use insect repellent on your skin in case one does make its way through your clothes
· Stay on the marked path. There's a reason the rangers don't want you walking through the high grass or cutting through the brush of the forest.
· If you have access to a dryer, tumble dry your clothes on high heat at night.
· Check kids and any animal companions regularly.

The best medicine is to be cautious If you can catch the tick before he starts to feed you have lessened the risk greatly for Tick Borne Infection. I know we keep talking about this Tick Inspection and here are some areas to definitely check, remember a tick can and will latch on wherever it feels it can get a steady supply of food and not be seen.
· Check your scalp (prime location)
· Check your legs both in between and behind the knees.
· Check under your arms (armpits as well)
· Have someone in your party check your back thoroughly.
· Check Everywhere once more, ears, bellybutton you name it.

Next week we will be posting another part from Swat Pest's Tick series including signs & symptoms of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme Disease.