Bites do occur, but only when the spider is disturbed, accidentally touched, and when putting on seldom used clothing and shoes where the Brown Recluse Spider has decided to live on. 

Its web is loose and irregular, yet made of a very sticky thread. It is only built as a daytime retreat, and as an egg holder.
This arachnid prefers undisturbed places, so the Brown Recluse Spider usually bites the human when it is found caught between a body part and another surface; for example, when the children are playing under house furniture such as beds, tables or in the garage. Also bites happen while a sleeping human rolls in their bed where the Brown Recluse Spider has climbed, or when dressing with clothes or shoes where the spider has hid itself.
The brown recluse spider lives inside the home and also at the house surroundings. Inside the home, the arachnid lives in dark places, such as cracks, corners, seldom used clothes, curtains and inside the furniture. Yet it is very common that a spider gets trapped in the shower or bathtub because of the smooth surface. There have been lots of cases of legs that were bitten while the victim was having a bath. Outdoors, the brown recluse spider is usually located underneath rocks or within hollow wood.
Warning: If you live in zones where the brown recluse spider lives, you must take care when manipulating objects belonging to the garden, such as boxes, piles of wood, pots, etc. The use of gloves is always recommended.

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